As a corporate trainer, when I interact with various industry verticals across the country, one major challenge, the business owners and entrepreneurs face is that of “delegation”. This is even a bigger challenge in small and medium scale companies as well as start-ups which is the current trend in our industry. This is because the owners’ are involved in too many things. I have heard some business owners saying that quote “my company cannot run effectively without me even a single day and hence I am forced not to take any vacation, leave or break from the busy schedule” unquote.
A company where the power of authority lies with an individual or a set of people, often run into several issues. A manager cannot perform all the tasks assigned to him to his fullest potential. In order to meet the targets, authority has to be delegated by entrusting part or the majority of the responsibility. Delegation is about division of authority to entrust subordinates or people down the hierarchy level to achieve effective results.
I would like to put the process of delegation in 4 simple steps:
- Assignment of tasks
- Transfer of authority
- Acceptance or acknowledgement
- Accountability or creating responsibility.
- Assignment is an initial process where the owner has to decide on the activities he wants the subordinate or a team to perform. Here, identify the
person and the task and competency to handle that job.
- Transfer is a stage of delegation where a set of task is assigned. One word of caution here; also please ensure that the manager / subordinate will not misuse this authority.
- The acceptance stage: Delegation is not a one sided activity. The person identified to perform the duty has to accept his role in total and willing to take this wholeheartedly. If he/she is not confident, look out for an alternative.
- The final and the most important stage is the Accountability. The process of delegation of authority ends at creation of an obligation on the part of subordinate to perform his responsibility.
I am confident that this change management will make your achieve better results.
The author, M S Ravindra is a well-known Corporate Trainer.