[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Team PIA led by Sri R. Krishnamurthy, President, along with other representatives of industry took up the cause of Plastic manufacturing units in Peenya who were forcibly shut down by overzealous officials on the pretext of violating the plastic ban. Sri R. Krishnamurthy, President and Sri M. Malayadri Reddy, Vice-President attended the Interaction meeting on Feb 2 at KASSIA with Sri T.M. Vijay Bhaskar, Addl. Chief Secretary, Forest Environment & Ecology Department GOK
“Some officials grossly misused the plastic order ban and victimised some plastic manufacturing units who were in reality not into manufacture of the banned plastic carry bags, but into integral packaging products which are exempt from the ban,” said Sri Krishnamurthy. “It was highly unfair and callous on the part of the officials to lock up these units and ignoring NGT (National Green Tribunal) guidelines. We came to know from some of our Members that BBMP officials barged into some of the factories, seized the products and forcibly got them closed. Around 100 people were rendered jobless because of this.”
PIA impressed upon the top officials that the BBMP does not have the authority to close down industrial units in the city. In fact, even the KSPCB – which can suspend permissions for industries violating the ban – was taken to task by the National Green Tribunal for clamping down on industries that use extrusion machines for other legal purposes.
Responding to these observations, Sri Lakshman, Chairman, KSPCB assured the agitated Members that KSPCB would constructively examine the issues and take steps to address the problems faced by SMEs.
The furore over the forcible closure of plastic units had its effect. The KSPCB Chairman said clear instructions would be given to all his officials and others concerned that they should not interfere with the plastic manufacturers that do not come under the banned category.
The KSPCB had taken great care in educating the Officers concerned in addressing these issues carefully without undermining the actual order and guidelines in the matter. Importantly, he also extended a clear cut assurance to come to the aid of the closed units by referring their case to the Forest, Ecology & Environment Department for suitable help in reopening the industries provided they were not manufacturing banned items.
The Addl. Chief Secretary, Ministry of Forests, Environment and Ecology, GOK also agreed to inform the BBMP authorities to not cause any avoidable hardship to the industries in the enforcement of the plastic ban. Necessary guidelines and awareness would be issued to them, he said, and added that Government would also examine the request for reducing the effluent treatment charges in case of chemical industries and others so as to bring them on par with the other States.
Following the strong intervention by PIA and KASSIA, some of the plastic manufacturing units that had been forcibly shut down have since got been reopened. PIA thanked Sri Vijay Bhaskar, Addl. Chief Secretary, Ministry of Forests, Environment and Ecology, GOK and Sri Lakshman, Chairman of KSPCB, for their prompt action and support.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]