[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]June 2 was a historic day for PIA when it launched the PIA Industrial Technical Directory 2017 before a large gathering of Entrepreneurs from Peenya Industrial Estate and surrounding areas.
Sri Ashok Kheny, Hon’ble MLA, Bidar South and MD, Nandi Infrastructure Corridor Enterprises chaired the Release Ceremony as the Chief Guest.
In his welcome address, PIA President Sri R. Krishnamurthy noted that Sri Ashok Kheny Sri Ashok Kheny needs no introduction as he is a widely popular multi-faceted personality. For the benefit of those who knew little about him, he presented a brief background about the Chief Guest.
Sri Ashok Kheny, born October 5, 1960, is an electrical engineer from National Institute of Technology, Suratkal, with an MS in Management Science & Engineering from Wooster Polytechnic College, Massachusetts. He worked with American firms, set up his own business and then moved his work to Karnataka. His family is a huge landowner in Bidar. It is said that his great grandfather Sri Maharudrappa Kheny was mini royalty, wealthy enough to give loans to the Nizam of Hyderabad.
Ever smiling and generous, Sri Ashok Kheny, the foreign-returned businessman-politician has earned the trust of both his constituents and fans in the farming community for being large-hearted and friendly, Sri Krishnamurthy summed up.
On the newly launched PIA Industrial Technical Directory 2017, the PIA President said it contained invaluable information on the various products and services available in Peenya Industrial Area and surrounding Industrial Estates in particular. The idea was to capture the essence of the industrial landscape of Peenya Industrial Area, South-East Asia’s largest industrial hub and we believe that our Industrial Directory has a special significance for everyone connected to industry, he said.
Dwelling on the utility of the Industrial Directory, Sri Krishnamurthy observed that the current explosion in information and data poses a totally different kind of challenge. “We are compelled to consume vast amounts of data to find something specific we are looking for. Many a time it is like finding a needle in a haystack! It is in this context that our Industrial Directory offers a readily curated compendium of industry-relevant data points and information that is easy to use and access,” he said.
Incidentally, this Directory is being published by PIA after six years since the previous edition. It therefore contains more up-to-date information on industries in Peenya and is presented in a user-friendly manner with a variety of rich product features and catalogues.
“Over the years, Peenya Industrial Area has transformed by leaps and bounds, and today hosts many of the world’s best companies and exporters. Many of our products and services are used by Fortune 500 companies and the world’s top companies.
Our Industrial Directory therefore deserves to be preserved like the Gita by any aspiring or existing entrepreneur as it provides you all that you wanted to know about Peenya Industrial Area but didn’t know whom to ask or where to look for,” he said, and hoped that the Industrial Directory would fulfil the Members’ requirements and enables them to do good business, network better and explore the best of the emerging markets.
Office Bearers and Immediate Past President, Dr. Jayaramu, Council Members, Special Invitees, Team KBIS who brought out the Industrial Directory and Entrepreneurs from Peenya Industrial Estate took part in the event.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]