Container was lying on THIGALARAPALYA Main Road for many months was causing lot of inconvenience to the passer by vehicle and commuters and tortoise movement of tariff on the road. In spite of several request to concerned authorities yielded no results , in the interaction meeting held at PIA with DCP Bangalore north on 9th March 2019 it was decided and directed inspector tariff Peenya police station to remove the container and shift to separate place. PIA decided to follow the direction given by DCP and took initiative to remove the container by hiring a crane to shift to a place away from the main road on 25th March 2019, this role was headed by President Sri.M.M.Giri ,Sr.VP.Sri.Srinivas Asranna, Hon.Sec.Sri.Arif H.M,Jt.Tr.Sri.RajGopal, Panel Chairman BBMP&BWSSB-PIA R.Kumar ,Sri Kanthraju former joint treasure of PIA are seen on the spot.
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