Get PAN, TAN within a day with Digital Signature Certificate based Application
Companies can now get PAN and TAN registration within a day if they provide Digital Signature Certificate based application. For fast tracking the allotment of PAN and TAN to company applicants, Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) based application procedure has been introduced on the portals of PAN service providers M/s NSDL eGov and M/s UTIITSL, the Income Tax department has said.
Under the new process PAN and TAN will be allotted within one day after completion of valid on-line application.
The individuals can also get a new Permanent Account Number (PAN) through Aadhaar-based e-signature facility which will reduce the effective time in allotment.
Similarly, a new Aadhaar e-Signature based application process for Individual PAN applicants has been made available on the portals of PAN service providers M/s NSDL eGov, said the Department. The URL links for the applications are available in ‘important links’ on the homepage of the departmental website incometaxindia. gov.in. Introduction of Aadhaar based e-Signature through M/s NSDL eGov in PAN application not only ensures paperless hassle-free PAN appli-cation process but also seeding of Aadhaar in PAN which will curb the problem of duplicate PAN to a great extent.