In a major initiative to provide equal opportunities for women in all sectors, the Karnataka Government has removed restrictions on allowing women to work in night shifts in all sectors. Currently, women are allowed to be employed in night shifts only in IT and ITES sectors.
The Shops and Commercial Establishments Act, 1961 and the Factories Act 1948 have been amended to make provision for women to work in night shift, Labour Minister Sri Santosh Lad said, while emphasizing that the permission to employ women in night shift comes with a slew of conditions to ensure their safety, security and privacy needs. These include written consent, provision of separate loos, first priority in pick-up and drop, among others.
Lauding this decision taken by the Labour Ministry, Sri . R. Krishnamurthy, President, PIA said it will lead to more women taking up jobs in the manufacturing sector especially garment industries. “Labour-intensive manufacturing units in Peenya are sure to benefit from this, especially those units which work in two shifts a day,” he said and added, “I am sure that entrepreneurs will not mind providing all the stipulated safeguards for women workers as it will only enhance their productivity.”